About Coffee

So...no judging! Those of you who know me know I believe coffee is anointed by God....
I wrote this paper my first year in college...enjoy!

Every day in every state and around the world people walk into a coffee shop order their favorite rendition of this prestigious bean and leave with a little more pep in their step to get them through the day. If a survey were done in the cafĂ© of Barnes and Noble asking people the history of this phenomenal drink in their hand, and why people around the world consume such  inordinate amount every day, they would look at you with a blank stare not having a clue.
There are many legends from were the coffee bean originated, like the story of Kaldi, a goat-herd in Ethiopia, who one day found his goats a little more energetic as they were encircled around a bush with red berries on it that resembled cherries. After trying them he noticed that he had much more energy through out his day. Many also believe it to be fact that slaves in, what is now Sudan, would eat the outer shell to revive themselves through the day. Coffee was also believed to have been cultivated in a port called Mocha in the early fifteenth century, by the Arabs.
The Arabs were very defensive when it came to there coffee plants and would not allow the coffee trees to be exported out of their country. Eventually the Arab world began to see coffee shops open up, where people would go for recreation and the enjoyment of music while drinking their coffee. The first ones where seen in Mecca.
In 1616 the Dutch got hold of their first coffee trees and began to grow them in greenhouses which eventually spread to Indonesia and reaching all across Europe. Indonesia is still the fourth leading country to sell coffee abroad.
Coffee began to be seen in America around 1668, starting in New York and Boston. It is said that the Boston Tea party was planned in a coffee house called the Green Dragon; and was first refined in America in 1720 by a French officer named Gabriel Mathieu de Clieu. Who brought a coffee tree back from a voyage and began to multiply the trees in great number by 1777.
The consumption of coffee has been on the rise in America as we have moved into the twenty-first century. Coffee shops can be found on nearly every street and is located in every gas station. As the pace of life begins to intensify the demand for coffee begins to rise, and  people like Jerry Baldwin,  Zev Siegel and Gordon Bowker the founders of Starbucks coffee, make a living off of peoples addiction to coffee. Starbucks opened its first shop in Seattle in 1971 and now has more than 10,800 coffee shops nation wide, and they continue to expand.
Coffee is one of the most significant products in trade today. The sale and consumption of coffee ultimately provides millions of people around the world with jobs, and is vital to our economy today.
It is not only one of the world's most precious drinks, but it is also helping to support many small countries and very crucial to others, making it a very valuable discovery in history.
So...respect the bean and drink up!