Friday, November 4, 2011


So clearly I am not very good at blogging, seeing how I have only written one since I have started...but anyways onto the topic at hand...I was studying for an exam in Industrial Psychology and was reading about a concept called ''employee readiness'' an approach used in training that in essence says there must exist a foundation to build upon that activates the employees ability to learn a new concept, if this is not present then training will not be very effective. Now although my reading was limited to the world of Industrial/Organizational theories this idea of ''readiness'' expands far beyond that, particularly into my world of being an undergraduate. Now perhaps I am trying to find solace in my current position in life and if that is the case... well I still think it is worth mentioning...
I think about when I entered into college I did not think that I possessed the ''readiness'' to obtain the knowledge that a degree represents and the reasons for that are numerous and perhaps one day they will be disclosed in more detail...that's not blog material...but regardless of the reasons the point is that readiness occurs on different levels for different individuals and is uniquely defined for each person. I know now that my slow years as an undergrad are not indicative of my years as a graduate student nor as a practicing Clinician, but rather these have been crucial developmental years both academically and personally that have produced the appropriate foundation required to achieve greatness in the seasons to come. So when my advisor says "Ms. Campbell I admire your ambition, but this direction is not likely" I can smile because I know that what looks like ambition, is really readiness and that's why success is imminent.

Friday, September 2, 2011

My 2nd 1st blog

Hello World! As my title indicates this is my second attempt at starting my first blog...I think it was a year or more ago that I tried to get one started but never followed through. It was not until today as I was walking to class and my thoughts were racing on why I decided to persevere today that I came back to the idea of a blog. Like many people in the world the season of life I am in is difficult but I have decided to count it all as joy and also have decided that I want to share it with who ever will read it! So here we go...I will take on the world one blog at a time and count it all joy!